


Sergio Alonso

Associate Professor Department of Physics.

Enric Alvarez

Associate Professor Department of Physics 

Santiago Arias

Associate Professor Department of Physics 

Raul Benitez

Associate Professor Departament d'Enginyeria de Sistemes, Automàtica i Informàtica Industrial 

Blas Echebarria

Associate Professor Department of Physics

Marta Ginovart

Associate Professor Department of Mathematics

Ricard Gonzalez

Associate Professor Department of Physics


Daniel Lopez

Associate Professor Department of Physics 


Christian Mata

Assistant Professor Departament d'Enginyeria de Sistemes, Automàtica i Informàtica Industrial 

David Oriola

Assistant Professor Department of Physics


Clara Prats

Full Professor Department of Physics Coordinator of the research group BIOCOM-SC

Laureano Ramirez

Full Professor Department of Physics


Adrià Tauste

Associate Professor Department of Physics


Mireia Torralba

Assistant Professor Department of Physics


Postdoctoral researchers

  • Allisson Dantas de OliveiraProject "Imaging" Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, Vall d'Hebron Research Institute (VHIR) i Fundació PROBITAS.
  • Carlota Pagès-Portabella: Project “Multi-centric technical validation of BrainFocus to design a software prototype for epilepsy care“. Funding Agency: Agència de Gestió d’Ajuts Universitaris i de Recerca (AGAUR).
  • Manel Vila-VidalProject "Development of a real-time clinical monitoring system to prevent seizures in intracranially implanted drug-resistant epileptic patients (EPIPREV)". Funding agency: Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades. Gobierno de España.
  • Sotiris Samatas: Project "Micromechanics of Living Tissues Across Scales". Collaboration UPC-EMBL. Funding: European Molecular Biology Laboratory (EMBL).



PhD Students

  • David Conesa: Development of generalized models to analyze human atrial behavior (Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya).
  • Aida Perramon: SARS-CoV-2 and other respiratory viruses in childhood: different approaches to define predictive models for their diagnosis and epidemiological evolution (Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya).
  • Nicolás Medina: Development of a real-time clinical monitoring system for seizure prevention in drug-resistant epileptic patients with intracranial recordings (Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya).
  • Adrià MuriasComputational modelling of CAR T-cell immunotherapy in haematological malignancies: From immune-dynamics description to patient-level predictions (Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya).
  • Qiaoling Ye: Computational modelling of 3D multicellular cultures for the development of antitumoral immunotherapies (Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya).
  • Martí Planasdemunt: Biophysics of 3D tissue formation: connecting cellular and supracellular scales (Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya).
  • Ferran Craven-Bartle: Design and optimization of quantitative algorithms for diagnosis and treatment optimization of intracranially monitored patients with drug-resistant epilepsy (Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya).
  • Sara Cecilia Abecia: Acoustic Technology for Mass Gauging in Space (Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya).
  • Lucas Leal: Acoustic Technology for Bubble Management in Space (Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya)
  • Carles Rubio: Development and validation of an artificial intelligence based system and a low cost robotized microscope for malaria and schistosomiasis diagnosis (Vall d'Hebron research Institute) 
  • Lautaro Vásquez. Oscillations and chaos in the dynamics of intracellular calcium in cardiac myocytes (Universidad de Tarapacá, Chile)

Master Students

  • Andrés F. García:  Modeling of the biochemistry of Polarization and locomotion of Dictyostelium discoideum cells (Master in Engineering Physics).
  • Alejandro Díaz Moreno: Semi-microscopic simulatons of the stochastic dynamics of ion channels on the cell membrane (Master in Atomistic and Multiscale Computational Modelling in Physics, Chemistry and Biochemistry)
  • Natàlia Capdevila Pellejero: Simulación y Predicción de Psoriasis Pustulosa Generalizada mediante Deep Learning (MSc Bioinformatics)

  • Juan Ignacio Barrassa López: Desarrollo de software para el análisis y representación de estudios de fluorimetría diferencial de barrido (DSF) y desplazamiento térmico (TSA) (MSc Bioinformatics)
  • Eric Calatayud Gómez: Developing a Napari Plugin for Interactive Analysis and Visualisation of Raman Microspectroscopy Maps (MSc Bioinformatics)
  • Alberto Coy Serrano: Desarrollo de una aplicación para el análisis del EEG procesado para el dispositivo BIS VISTA (MSc Bioinformatics)
  • Fernando Muñoz: Geometry and aerosol dynamics in a human virtual lung for the study of tuberculosis (Master Advanced Mathematics and Mathematical Engineering)
  • Luis Duomarco: Effects of extrabeats due to of store overload induced calcium release (SOICR) in a reallistic model of the atria (Master Biomedical Engineering)
  • Marina Martins: Proarrythmic effect of a reduction in the ISK current under conditions of atrial fibrillation (AF)(Master in Engineering Physics)

Bachelor Students

Internship Students

Former Members

Former Researchers

Angelina Peñaranda

Associate Professor at the department of Physics


Anna Gras

Associate Professor at the department of Agri-food Engineering and Biothecnology

Antoni Giró

Full Professor at the department of Physics


Quim Valls

Associate Professor at the department of Physics


Rosa Carbó

Associate Professor at the department of Agri-food Engineering and Biothecnology

Carlota Auguet

Associate Professor at the department of Physics



Former students and postdocs



  • Ana Tost: Project "Upgrading BrainFocus for successful technology transfer in epilepsy care". Funding Agency: Agència de Gestió d’Ajuts Universitaris i de Recerca (AGAUR).
  • Víctor López De Rioja: Project "Epidemiological modelling of SARS-CoV2 in a post-pandemic surveillance context: an open platform for mid-term scenarios and short-term predictions" Project BBVA Foundation.
  • Laura Bernáez Timón: Project “Upgrading BrainFocus for successful technology transfer in epilepsy care“. Funding Agency: Agència de Gestió d’Ajuts Universitaris i de Recerca (AGAUR).
  • Francesc Font: One year post-doctoral research stay in the group (2017-2018). Currently at the deprtmanet of Fluid dynamics (UPC).
  • Carlos A Lugo-Vélez: Three year postdoctoral research stay in the group (2009-2012). Currently at the Department of Plant Sciences, University of Cambridge.

PhD Students

  • Xavier Marimon: Caracterització multiescala de dades fisiològiques en la cardiologia translacional. 2023, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya.
  • Gustavo Montes: Uncertainty Quantification and Stochastic Variables for Models of Cardiac Myocytes. 2023One year visiting PhD Student of the Universidade Federal de Juiz de Fora (Brazil).
  • Eduardo MorenoComputer modeling of the polarity and amoeboid motion of living cells. 2022, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya.
  • Martí CatalàMathematical modelling to study infectious diseases: from understanding to prediction. 2021, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya
  • Miquel MarchenaDevelopment and application of atrial myocyte models to investigate mechanisms that confer patients a high risk of atrial fibrillation. 2020, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya.
  • Allisson Dantas: Federal University of Riu Grande do Norte (UFRN). 2020, co-supervised in the department of Physics.
  • Nura AhmadMultiapproach computational modelling of tuberculosis. Understanding its epidemiological dynamics for improving its control in Nigeria. 2020, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya.
  • Pablo Araujo: PhD at the department of Agri-food Engineering and Biothecnology. Developing an individual-based model to study the bacterial denitrification process. 2017, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya 
  • Pedro André Arroyo: One year visiting PhD Student of the Universidade Federal de Juiz de Fora (Brazil): Semi-continuum approach to discreteness. 2018.

Master Students

  • Gloria Campos: A comparison of various deep learning open source networks for glioblastoma multiforme segmentation in adult patients (Master in Bioinformatics and Biostatistics, 2024).
  • Laura Carrasco: Análisis de arquitecturas de sistemas para la gestión de datos clínicos (Master in Bioinformatics and Biostatistics, 2024).

  • Ramón Alejandro Mendoza: Medical software for dicom anonymisation (Master in Bioinformatics and Biostatistics, 2024).

  • Víctor Villegas: Center-based modelling of embryonic organoid development (Master in Advanced Mathematics and Mathematical Engineering, 2024).
  • Dylan Valencia: Calcium oscillations in cardiac cells with stochastic RyR2 dynamics (Master in Engineering Physics, 2024).
  • Ferran López: Modelling of the formation of pseudopodia by an instability of the membrane in living cells (Master in Advanced Mathematics and Mathematical Engineering, 2024).
  • Raül Adell: Inferring activity statistics in stabilized supralinear networks (Master in Advanced Mathematics and Mathematical Engineering, 2024).
  • Pablo Usan: Mathematical modeling of the Epidemiology of virus interference (Master in Engineering Physics, 2023).
  • Quim Frigola: Mathematical modelling of embryonic tissue elongation (Master in Advanced Mathematics and Mathematical Engineering, 2023).
  • Alejandro Dias: Development of the automation and control of a microgravity experiment by means of LabVIEW (Master in Aerospace Science and Technology, 2023).
  • Manuel Cachón: Magnetic systems for the ADCS of a femtosatellite (Master in Aerospace Science and Technology, 2023).
  • Ioana El Kraye: Design and implementation of an electronic system for a microgravity experiment (Master in Aerospace Science and Technology, 2022).
  • Àlex Drago: Simulations of acoustically enhanced heat transfer in fluids (Master in Aerospace Science and Technology, 2022).
  • Sònia Miani: Improving the development and testing of an EEG medical software for Epilepsy diagnosis according to regulatory guidelines (Master in Innovation and Entrepreneurship in Biomedical Engineering, 2022).
  • Benjamin Harun Tezcan: Establishing links between image segmentation and deep learning interpretability methods (Master in Automatic Control and Robotics, 2022).
  • Yago Ferreiro: Heat transfer enhancement in air by means of acoustic fields (Master in Aerospace Science and Technology, 2022).
  • Julia Cabrera: Simple mathematical model of the Tuberculosis lesion formation in a secondary lobe of the lungs (Master in Engineering Physics, 2022).
  • Eva Rifà: Study of the evolution of new variants during an epidemic (Master in Engineering Physics, 2021).
  • Mateo Alonso:  Development of a cardiac model for the study of sudden cardiac death in infants (Master in Engineering Physics, 2021).
  • Silvia Alvarez: Spatially distributed SIR models for COVID-19 propagation (Master in Atomistic and Multiscale Computational Modelling in Physics, Chemistry and Biochemistry, 2021).
  • Nica Gutu: Biochemical model for the amoeboid motion of Dictyostelium discoideum cells (Master in Engineering Physics, 2020).
  • Nora Wieczorek i Masdeu: Numerical model of cardiac electromechanics (Master in Mathematics, 2019).
  • Thomas Prade: Measurement of sarcoplasmic reticulum passive leak current and its relation with spark characteristics in atrial myocytes (Master in Photonics, 2019).
  • David Conesa: Integration of a subcellular calcium model with cardiac action potential in human atria. (Master in Atomistic and Multiscale Computational Modelling in Physics, Chemistry and Biochemistry, 2019).
  • Nikolina Krizanec: Mathematical modeling of calcium handling dysfunctions leading to atrial fibrillation (Master in Advanced Mathematics and Mathematical Engineering, 2017)
  • Miquel Marchena: Development of a computational model of calcium singalling in cardiac cells at the submicron scale (Master in Atomistic and Multiscale Computational Modelling in Physics, Chemistry and Biochemistry 2016).

Bachelor Students

  • Aina Sánchez: Effectiveness of Human Papillomavirus vaccines to prevent sexually transmitted cancers (Engineering Physics, 2024).
  • Elena Ruiz de la Cuesta: Prediction and Modelling of Influenza with Machine Learning (Engineering Physics, 2024).
  • Fernando Muñoz: Computational modelling of the dynamics of tuberculosis lesions in lungs: from animal models to humans (Engineering Physics, 2024).
  • Oriol Calsina: Models predictius de la dinàmica de la grip a països europeus (Biosystems Engineering, 2024).
  • Marina Silva: Estudi de la distribució estacional de comunitats microbianes (Biosystems Engineering, 2024).
  • Berta Valette: Effects of Nirsevimab Introduction on Bronchiolitis and Respiratory Syncytial Virus in Catalonia (BSc in Biosystems Engineering, 2024).
  • Ariadna Font: Anàlisi i modelització de les infeccions per enterovirus en població pediàtrica a Catalunya (BSc in Biosystems Engineering, 2024).
  • Albert Vila Vidal: Anàlisi de la dinàmica epidemiològica d'escarlatina a Catalunya (BSc in Biosystems Engineering, 2024).
  • Marta Alcalde: Mendelian randomisation to triangulate causal inference knowledge (BSc in Engineering Physics, 2023).
  • Sara Iniesta: Computational study of proarrythmic effects giving rise to atrial fibrillation (BSc in Engineering Physics, 2023).
  • Núria Mercadé: Effectiveness of COVID-19 vaccines on the prevention of post-COVID cardiac and thromboembolic complications (BSC in Engineering Physics, 2023). 
  • Qiaoling Ye: Analyses of the coinfection of respiratory viruses using compartmental mathematical models (Biosystems Engineering, 2022).
  • Jordi Guillem Condom: Interpretabilitat de models d'aprenentatge profund en problemes de classificació d'imatges (Mathematics, 2022).
  • Martina Colas Navarro: Modelització matemàtica del creixement d'Alexandrium minutum en aigües litorals (Mathematics, 2022).
  • Blanca Pavón Castillo: An approach of an ISRU thermal system to sustain long-term missions for lunar rovers (Aerospace Systems Engineering, 2022).
  • M. Cayetana López Cano: Integration of Covid19 data bases for visualization and prediction based in AI algorithms (BSc in Data Science and Engineering, 2021).
  • Tomàs Urdiales: The role of deprivation, ethnics and risk factors in the COVID-19 pandemic in the United Kingdom (BSc in Engineering Physics, 2021).
  • Carla Xifra: Influence of fibrosis in the genesis of atrial fibrillation: a simulation study in human atrial tissue (BSc in Engineering Physics, 2021).
  • Oriol Bertomeu: Analysis of homeostatic effects of buffering levels in a human ventricle computational model (BSc in Engineering Physics, 2021).
  • Ana García: Numerical model of cardiac electromechanics (BSc in Mathematics, 2021).
  • Maria Inmaculada Villanueva Baxarias: Identificació i caracterització automatitzada de lesions de tuberculosi en imatges de tomografia axial computada (Engineering Physics, 2020).
  • Armando Estevez Garcia: Machine learning en proves neurològiques de model de ratolins per l’ictus (Engineering Physics, 2020).
  • Ivan Caro Mañas: Continuation methods: application to a biophysical problem (Mathematics, 2019)
  • Miquel Bosch: Effect of reactive oxygen species in the development of cardiac arrhythmias (Physics Engineering, 2019)
  • Montserrat Torres: Stability of intracellular calcium in cardiac myocytes (Mathematics, 2019).
  • Nora Wieczorek: Mechanisms of control of cardiac alternans (Mathematics, 2018).
  • David Conesa: Analysis of homeostatic regulation in cardiac cells (Engineering Physics, 2018).
  • Luis Martin: Coordination of calcium alternans in ventricular Z-Planes due to recovery from inactivation of RyR2 (Engineering Physics, 2017).
  • Ferran Pla: Study of calcium sparks and calcium wave propagation in cardiac cells (Mathematics, 2016).
  • Pol Canal: Measurement and modeling of atrial cell electrodynamics and atrial arrhythmias (Engineering Physics, 2016).
  • Guillem Sanchís: Simulation of calcium release units in cardiomyocytes to study pulsus alternans (Engineering Physics, 2016).
  • David Casas: Gpu-accelerated simulations of the chemotactic response of amoeba Dictyostelium discoideum (Engineering Physics, 2016).

Internship Students

  • Ferran Craven-Bartle: Application of linear and nonlinear functional connectivity analysis on intracranial EEG data for biomarker discovery on epileptogenic zone identification (Master in Biomedical Engineering, 2024).
  • Mireia Montaña (INIREC fellowship, Engineering Physics, 2024).
  • Gerard Roca (INIREC fellowship, Engineering Physics, 2024).
  • Martí Massó (INIREC fellowship, BSc in Engineering Physics and BSc in Aerospace Technology Engineering, 2023).
  • Berta Ros (INIREC fellowship, BSc in Engineering Physics, 2023).
  • Marc Molla (INIREC fellowship, BSc in Engineering Physics, 2023).
  • Jana Liu Bonet (INIREC fellowship, BSc in Engineering Physics, 2023).
  • Pol Floriach (INIREC fellowship, BSc in Engineering Physics, 2023).
  • Raül AdellHuman neural correlates of working memory during a visuospatial detection task (Master in Advanced Mathematics and Mathematical Engineering, 2023).
  • Marta Alcalde: Analysis and prediction of COVID-19 for EU-EFTA-UK and other countries (Engineering Physics, 2021-2022).
  • Núria Mercadé: Analysis and prediction of COVID-19 for EU-EFTA-UK and other countries (Engineering Physics, 2021-2022).
  • Radu Diaconescu: Spatio-temporal reaction-diffusion model exploring the role of fibroblasts in the formation of granuloma in tuberculosis (DAAD RISE Scholarship, Life Sciences - Liberal Arts & Sciences, 2022, University of Freiburg).
  • Sammy Mustafa (undergraduate student funded by the Northwestern University, 2022).
  • Anna Bandoni: An epidemiological model for malaria that accounts for gene deletions (BioFam Master internship, 2022).
  • Fabian Puga: Alternans in homogeneous and heterogeneous cardiac tissue (BioFam Master internship, 2022).
  • Inmaculada Baxarias: Analysis and prediction of COVID-19 for EU-EFTA-UK and other countries (Engineering Physics, 2021) (Research support staff).
  • Ann-Kathrin von Mickwitz: Analysis of X-Ray scattering images from three-dimensional cardiac infarcted myocardial tissue (DAAD fellowship. Mathematics 2021, University of Bremen).
  • Pablo Palacios: Analysis and prediction of COVID-19 for EU-EFTA-UK and other countries (Engineering Physics, 2021) (Learning Scholarship) .
  • Tomàs Urdiales: Analysis and prediction of COVID-19 for EU-EFTA-UK and other countries (Engineering Physics, 2021) (Learning Scholarship) .
  • Daniel Molinuevo: Analysis and prediction of COVID-19 for EU-EFTA-UK and other countries (Engineering Physics, 2021).
  • Katerina Krassakopoulou: Computational modelling of interactions between immune system and Mycobacterium tuberculosis inside an alveolus (Erasmus+ student from University of Patras, 2019).
  • Friedrich Puttkammer: Biophysical computational modeling of the intracellular electrophysiology of a single cardiac cell (Biophysics, 2019, student from the Humboldt University of Berlin).
  • Maria Franz: Deterministic and stochastic modeling of calcium dynamics (Biochemistry, 2019, student from the Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich).
  • Dafni Giannari: Comparison study of the Electrophysiology of neurons and cardiac cells. (Erasmus+ student from University of Patras, 2018).
  • Pablo Navarro: From ABM to continuous: A tuberculosis alveolar infection model (Engineering Physics, 2018).