PhD Opportunities
We offer projects to carry out your PhD under the supervision of the researchers of the group. Please contact us to evaluate the possibilities and the different steps to account for funding. As a matter of examples here some of the projects we are currently offering:
Development of a brain computer interface system that integrates electroencephalographic data in virtual reality environments
Mireia Torralba
Mathematical modeling of calcium dynamics in single cardiac myocyte
Blas Echebarria and Enric Àlvarez
Use of Langevin equations to model stochastic dynamics of ion chanels
Laureano Ramirez de la Piscina
Phase field models of cell polarization and locomotion
Sergio Alonso
Building of virtual lung to model transition between latent and active Tuberculosis
Clara Prats and Sergio Alonso
Application of Artificial Intelligence algorithms to track medium-term epidemic predictions
Enric Alvarez and Clara Prats
Modeling insights on cardiac health diseases in children
Enric Alvarez and Blas Echebarria