

Welcome to the web-page of the Computational Biology and Complex Systems Research group (BIOCOM-SC)

The Computational Biology and Complex systems group (BIOCOM-SC) involves researchers with a mathematical and/or physical background, from biophysics and nonlinear dynamics to nonequilibrium statistical mechanics or fluid mechanics. These different skills permit us to address increasingly complex problems in biology and other fields which, due to their inherent complexity, involve very different mechanisms. At this moment, BIOCOM-SC is the reference group in this field at the physics department at UPC. We study diverse biological processes, e.g. from molecular level (ion channel function) to cell (motion, contraction), organ (heart beating)  and population level (microbial proliferation, epidemiology). For that, we use different methods and perspectives with the goal of developing clinical applications for biomedicine and environmental applications for bioengineering.Group photo during the last workshop on Computational biology and complex Systems


The Interdisciplinary Group of Health-related Professionals (GIPS) is an initiative launched in 2022 by the Council of Medical Colleges of Catalonia (CCMC). This group, where some members of the BIOCOM-SC research group are strongly involved, promotes the interaction of professionals to be at the forefront of clinical innovation and research focused on the needs of patients and to achieve the best results in health, scientists and academics. 

The 3rd annual conference will be held on Wednesday, June 12 at 9:00 a.m. in the Sant Pau Modernist Complex (Barcelona). You can also attend online.

ATTENTION: We are opening felloships!

The BIOCOM-SC research group will offer three INIREC fellowships to the three best candidates among those applying for the call of the training program on Computational Biology and Complex Systems 2023-2024, for the realization of the TFG/TFM. 

Group photo during the last workshop on Computational biology and complex Systems 

some members of the group and friends.

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